Our Kune Kune Pigs
The KuneKune pig, pronounced “cooney cooney,” and meaning “fat and round”, is a cross between the Berkshire, Poland China, and possibly some other breeds. Although they were found in New Zealand, it is believed that they were brought there, possibly originating from the Indonesian region. The breed nearly faced extinction in the 1970s but thanks to the efforts of Keith and Jeanette D. R. O’Malley was revived and arrived in the U.S. and U.K. in the 1990s.
We love our kune kune pigs! From their adorable snoots to their curly tails and every round roll in between.
Temperament: Extremely docile – our 2 year old daughter can be around them (under supervision of course) without fear of being bitten or trampled.
Behavior: The KuneKune pig is well-suited for a pasture-based system. Unlike commercially bred hogs, they are less likely to root up pastures, causing minimal disturbance to crops when kept in a rotational system.
Weight: Females range from 200-300 pounds, while males weight between 250-400 pounds.
Height: Usually standing between 24-30 inches tall.
Grow Times: 18-24 months on pasture with minimal supplemental feed.
Meat Quality: Top notch! You’ve not tasted pork until you dine on kune kune meat. Due to their longer grow out and adaptability to pastured systems, they turn out a well marbled meat. This creates a moist and super flavorful cut of meat that is highly favored by chefs